Rachel Sigman

Korbel School of International Studies 

Syracuse University (Undergraduate)

NS4301: African Political Economy

NS4053: Political Economy of Development

NS3041: Comparative Political Economy 

NS3311: Government and Politics of sub-Saharan Africa

PSC 351: Political Economy of Development​


Teaching Honors and Awards

Naval Postgraduate School (Masters Level)

INTS4711: Debates on Democracy (graduate)

INTS2701: Debates on Democracy (undergraduate)

​INTS4091: Great Issues in International Affairs (graduate)

Hamming Award for Teaching, Naval Postgraduate School (2020) 

Finalist (top 5%) for the Naval Postgraduate School School Schieffelin Award for Teaching Excellence (2019 and 2020)

Lieutenant Commander David L. Williams Outstanding Professor Award (2019)